Move camp to Mesquite Springs,
Water top off,
Hiked Titus Canyon,
There used to be a road here- that's tight! It was washed out, but is still technically a road, so Ginger can hike here too :). She seemed to like that. No pictures, it was beautiful, but not picturesque.
It's warm and sunny- that feels great.
Ubehube Crater hike at sunset. Interesting crater- felt a lot like we were on Mt. St. Helens.
Ubehebe crater, Death Valley N.P.
Death Valley from Ubehebe Crater
Closing out our chapter on Death Valley- it's a bit superlative, but the pictures just don't do it justice.
Maybe that's why I didn't take photos of Titus canyon?
Geology on a grand scale-uplift of mountains past 11,000 feet next to valleys that are -282 feet. Cosmic erosion patterns and colors, salt crystals that form hexagons on the desert floor. I enjoyed the sand dunes, and the clues that they revealed of the hidden life that comes out when we can't see it, in the form of footsteps and tracks in the sand.