Rainbow Canyon overlook was more impressive than I expected. There was a grand view into the Panamint Valley, and of course the narrow canyon where they occasionally fly jets. It's famous for that. None today- it's a holiday.
But we did get a walk in, with Ginger, on the road to the overlook.
Panamint springs for a beer and lunch.
Mosaic Canyon was very interesting as the rocks embedded in the rocks really did look like a mosaic on the walls of the canyon. The narrows were fairly close to the start of the hike.
Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes- I enjoyed an hour of exploring and wandering the sandscape looking for the right lines, and undisturbed (footprints) sections of sand.
We're beginning to see the photographic challenge of Death Valley National Park- the photos don't seem to do it justice. The experience has so much more of a wow factor, but in 2 dimensions it lacks the impact.