On the eve of retirement, it’s time to reflect on the past and look to the future.
Please bear with me as I collect my thougths :)
My W2 life is complete, and now I have the opportunity to chart a course forward. I’m beyond grateful to all you friends and family that guide and encourage me over the decades!
Long ago I witnessed others retiring from the VA with the grandiose goals of “sleeping in” and “not going to work”. Though honest, these benefits fell short of what I had in mind. I made the conscious decision to retire to something, rather than from something. I changed the word from “retirement” to “graduation”. I prefer to view this as a graduation to the next phase of my life. With Susan, we’ve charted a way to explore, and even practiced retirement for a few years. So with immense gratitude to the folks that I have worked with, been friends with, charted our W2 years together, let’s get out and explore, share and enjoy life to the fullest!
This will be a developing space to share what we’re up to. I hope that it’s entertaining, informative and inspiring to you! At the very least, it will help me to gather my thoughts, and remember the adventures we have.
xoxo, Dave, Susan and Ginger