Indian Heaven Wilderness adventure September 2020
Sat 9/5 travel to Cultus Creek Campground.
Crowded- trail head uber busy
Sun 9/6 Short backpack to Deep Lake near Cultus Lake, then a day hike towards Lemei Rock.
Didn’t go down to Wapiki Lake because we were not excited about the climb back out.
Loads of huckleberries, views of Mt Hood with some smoke around it, Mt. Adams, and a peek at Mt. Rainier.
Mon 9/7 Pack to Blue Lake, set up in site 9.
Ranger said it will be windy, and if we start to hear trees falling, maybe rethink where we’re camped. When I asked where we would we go, he said just up the hill to Sahalee tyee lake should be a bit more sheltered.
We decided to move rather than wait, and our tent spot wasn’t very flat anyway.
The wind indeed picked up and sounded like a freight train all night, with the occasional crack of thunder- wait, thunder? Those are trees coming down! At around midnight Susan woke me to see what we can do about our freaking out pooch, only to discover that the wind is blowing sand and dirt in under the rain fly, and coating everything in the tent with grime- ugh- try to sleep.
Tue 9/9: After the least restful night, we decided to pack it out. The wind isn’t letting up- how are we going to fold up this tent in the gale?
Holey mackerel! There’s’ a new 10 foot root ball just outside our tent- and a giant tree lying on its side.
Camp site no. 8
Hiked all the way out to Cultus Creek Campground, then drove to Forlorn Lakes for a peaceful evening, with a huge site to ourselves.
Wed, 9/10: Drove thru the wash on road 65 to the >>>Lakes trailhead, and hiked in until the wind made me too nervous.
Thurs, 9/11: Climbed the trail, and fallen trees on trail 171, Indian Racetrack trail to Red Mountain- hey! We have cell service- kind of.
We also encountered backpackers who spoke of the fire near Trapper Creek wilderness to the west. That’s terrible, but good thing its to the west- up wind.
Trapper creek wilderness fire
Well, evidently, it’s not really in Trapper creek, but closer to the area we were to go to on Friday.
Then we spoke with peeps in Portland, and decided for some reason to return early- and here the air quality is the worst in the world- not to mention the state is on fire, and thousands of homes have burned, but isn’t it really all about MY air quality?
TPMS light came on.
Mt. Hood From Lemei Rock, Wa.
Trail to Lemei Rock