Welp, the last stretch of the road trip kind of got steamrolled into one big chapter!
We returned to California, and worked our way up the coastal highway.
Maybe like the mental image of "route 66", we thought of a continuous somewhat scenic tour of Highway 1, the coastal highway. It's not so straightforward. The coastal route doesn't always follow the coast closely, and of course the populated areas (think LA) would be a different experience.
In addition, we kind of shorted this stretch and needed to move north daily, oh, yea and it was the holidays.
I nearly always select nature and experience over meeting up with people, but we were right in the backyard of some family that I haven't seen in years. So I called up my aunt the day before Christmas and invited us over for a quick lunch- hoping that I wasn't intruding of course. It was great to catch up with my aunt, uncle and 2 cousins.
Then back to the coastal trip!
The Santa Cruz pier had the end of it collapse the day after we left, and my cousin was cautioning us about returning to the coast as the tides were super high.
We saw great swaths of the beach, missing under the surf, trees and limbs down and across power lines, rock slides onto the roadway, eroding from under the roadway, and of course standing water all over the place. We arrived in Fort Bragg the day that it rained 2.7 inches, but we enjoyed the sunshine in the breaks of the weather.
The California coast has a great number of state beaches, which are great for access (when the surf isn't taking over), but……………. No dogs allowed- ugh.
There were a ton of warnings and events that should have deterred us from enjoying the California coast, but we had a great time nonetheless. It reminded me of a phrase I dreamed up when I was working art fairs and Saturday Market: : "the weather is not the problem, rather the weatherman", it kind of mirrors the sentiment, there's no bad weather, just inadequate clothing" or something like that.
I'm going to have to learn that in real time, as I frequently keep my camera tucked away during inclement weather.
Duncan Landing
The surf was still trying to rach us!
We were a safe distance from the surf, but it was still trying to get us!
We made some time to visit the Monterrey Bay Aquarium- I love the Jellies!
Micro Jellies
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Now that we're home and the holidays are behind us, I'm trying to find my new normal for post 9-5, but it may take a while- there's not enough time :).